From speaking with hundreds of bereaved parents, it has become apparent that both adults and children find literature supportive when talking about and engaging with the topic of death. In our home we have a special place where we keep the books that have helped us identify, process and talk through the death of Liam, we call it Liam’s Library.

Liam’s Library is a collection of titles about loss, grief, hope and death: for our children, us as parents and the entire family to read through. Some books don’t, at first, appear to be about any of these topics at all, but they all hold a purpose in helping us heal and connect with Liam.

We will continue to expand our collection in Liam’s Library while knowing that some titles will stay with us for a long time and be re-read multiple times, some will just be borrowed momentarily and some that have been gifted or recommended to us may stay untouched for many years until the right times comes to explore them further.

If you are one of our brilliant authors and wish for your book to be added or removed from this page please contact us via the contact form.